Through this week’s reading and videos, it was very powerful to see how las madres de plaza de mayo used…
Posted in Blogs, Week 12 | Tagged with Amapá, Argentina, Brazil, Cálice, Cancíon Sin Miedo, Chico Buarque, dictatorship, femicide, Guatemala, Las Madres de Plaza de Mayo, Mexico, Music, neoliberalism, Protest, racism, Vidas Negras Importam
A conversation with Rita De Grandis (video)
Posted in Interview Videos, Week 12 Videos | Tagged with Argentina, C20th, democracy, dictatorship, gender, neoliberalism, resistance, Rita De Grandis, violence, women
As I write this blog post, pro-democracy protesters are taking to the streets in Peru amid a political crisis. Today,…
Posted in Blogs, Week 11 | Tagged with Alberto Kenya Fujimori, dictatorship, Dirty Wars, human rights violation, La Cantuta Massacre, Manuel Merino, Martín Vizcarra, Peru, testimonios, trial
In this week’s readings and videos, there is a large emphasis placed on the role of technology in Latin American political campaigns between the 1920s and 1950s. Tools such as the radio were extremely important at this time in history because they were one of the first tools available to almost all individuals poor or …
Continue reading “Broadcast and Propaganda In Argentina”
Posted in Blogs, Week 9 | Tagged with 1920s, 1950s, Argentina, censorship, dictatorship, Falklands War, Juan Peron, Perón, radio, Tango
Of course no one can possibly predict the future, but in the case of Venezuela, it seems that the Latin American country could very well become the next Soviet Union, at least when it comes to its collapse[1]. Considering the recent drop in the price of oil, and given that oil exports remains to this … Continue reading “Towards an Uncertain Future: The Case of Venezuela”
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with authoritarianism, Bolivarian revolution, democracy, dictatorship, future, opposition, protests, uncertainty, Venezuela
I thought this week’s topic was rather interesting. While I appreciate the strides made by Porfirio Díaz, I am left to wonder who benefited from these strides. James Creelman’s article paints the portrait of a magnificent hero, but what about the lower classes, or the indigenous people from whom he took land and sold it […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 7 | Tagged with dictatorship, Fidel, Porfirio