Video by Emilia, Hannah, Niko, and Nitya
Posted in Student Videos - 2020, Week 11 Videos | Tagged with Argentina, Chile, Dirty Wars, Mexico, religion, Terror, violence
As I write this blog post, pro-democracy protesters are taking to the streets in Peru amid a political crisis. Today,…
Posted in Blogs, Week 11 | Tagged with Alberto Kenya Fujimori, dictatorship, Dirty Wars, human rights violation, La Cantuta Massacre, Manuel Merino, Martín Vizcarra, Peru, testimonios, trial
Reading about Argentina’s Dirty War, I began to ask myself why I had not heard of this meaningful historical event before this course. To some degree, this is due to my own ignorance, but I can’t help but wonder why, … Continue reading →
Posted in Blogs, Week 12 | Tagged with Argentina, Dirty Wars, violence
I was unfamiliar with the term “dirty war” before this week’s readings. But it does make sense that if there are vague terms, a lack of cohesion, and if the enemy is within your own nation, that the only way … Continue reading →
Posted in Blogs, Week 11 | Tagged with Che Guevara, communism, Dirty Wars, drugs, economy, idealism, Protest, violence, youth
In Dawson’s reading this week, he asks questions about Latin America’s dirty wars. Specifically, from where do we draw the causes? He offers two dominant perspectives of those who try to answer it: These conflicts came were products of the … Continue reading →
Posted in Blogs, Week 11 | Tagged with Dirty Wars, gdp
There is so much to say about this week’s topic, and I am having a difficult time trying to find where to start! I guess I will begin with the definition of the word “terror”, which is referred to as the use of extreme fear in the intent to intimidate people. In the case of … Continue reading “WEEK 11: The Terror”
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Dirty Wars, Fujimori, violence