The transition period for any person or collective is always a difficult one, especially when your don’t fully transition as you would when doing a 180 degree turn. She could argue that in the case of post-liberation, new nations and republics simply did a 360 degree circle, concluding where their initial actions begot. In reading […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 6 | Tagged with 180, 360, citizens, Freedom, New Republics, rights, transition, writers
A woman deserves the same rights as a man. I think everyone agrees with that statement. Even looking at the time period, reading the letter written by Josefina Pelliza da Sagasta had left me utterly shocked considering the fact she is a woman herself. You can clearly understand how progressive her ideology is and the […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Brazil, Cuba, rights, slavery, WeekSix
This week, I feel like there were a wider variety of different or conflicting narratives compared to previous topics. I want to focus on three main points for this post; citizenship, Josefina Pelliza de Sagasta’s writings, and rights in general. I’ve never actually thought about how nations determined the requirements one must fulfill to gain […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Citizenship, rights, Week6
Posted in Lecture Videos, Week 6 Lecture | Tagged with affect, Argentina, Brazil, C19th, discourse, gender, history, liberalism, race, rights, slavery, women
Posted in Lecture Videos, Week 4 Lecture | Tagged with allegory, Bolívar, C19th, Chávez, independence, Martí, metaphor, multitude, politics, representation, rights, Túpac Amaru
This week’s topic focused on rights and emancipation, particularly in the aspects of race and gender. It is quite jarring to think about the reality of race and the effects it had — and frankly still has — on both North and South America. For instance, the very fact that the last abolition date of […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 6 | Tagged with echenique, emancipation, gender, Pelliza de Sagasta, rights, slavery