Going into this course, I knew very little about Latin America. Much of my impression of the region was generally comprised of stereotypes and basic generalizations. I soon came to realize how incorrect these preconceptions were. I quickly learned more about the complexity, depth, and rich history of a region that I previously knew soContinue reading “Week 13: Towards an Uncertain Future”
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with complex, future, uncertain
Modernity can be looked as a positive or negative thing depending on who you speak to. With more industrialization, tolerance and a new era of science/technology, a country joins the modern world with a lot to offer. It can be linked to a more liberal way of life. However when transitioning from a traditional society […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with future, Mexico, modernity, week7
Latin America has come a long way since its discovery by Christopher Columbus in 1492, yet it still has many centuries of history to catch up on. Although it has recently entered the global marketplace, Latin America is not as the same stage as the Northern counties. As part of the developing world, its priorities are … Continue reading “WEEK 13: Towards an Uncertain Future”
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with American Dream, buen vivir, Corruption, future, globalization, inequality, nature, Potential, slavery, uncertainty
Of course no one can possibly predict the future, but in the case of Venezuela, it seems that the Latin American country could very well become the next Soviet Union, at least when it comes to its collapse[1]. Considering the recent drop in the price of oil, and given that oil exports remains to this … Continue reading “Towards an Uncertain Future: The Case of Venezuela”
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with authoritarianism, Bolivarian revolution, democracy, dictatorship, future, opposition, protests, uncertainty, Venezuela
In this week’s final chapter, Dawson focuses heavily on the economic priority that is continually held when considering the future development of a country or region. Stressing that the rate of economic growth and demand far outpaces the majority’s desire to ameliorate poverty and inequality, as well as to address environmental concerns. Its this tension […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 13 | Tagged with economy, future, globalization, latin america, Power, spiritual ideology, violence