To recap the conclusions of last week’s readings, the Caudillo was the best governing system for post-colonial Latin America. This system kept the rich where they wanted to be, at the top with the ability to control laws and to decide if they would like to impose them. The poor and marginalized inherit the new […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with BIPOC, BLOG, casta paintings, caudillo, latin america, liberalism, representation, thoughts
To recap the conclusions of last week’s readings, the Caudillo was the best governing system for post-colonial Latin America. This system kept the rich where they wanted to be, at the top with the ability to control laws and to decide if they would like to impose them. The poor and marginalized inherit the new […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with BIPOC, BLOG, casta paintings, caudillo, latin america, liberalism, representation, thoughts
Last week we discussed how important political representation. This reminded me of why it is so important to vote and use your voice to elect the representation you want. When you don’t vote you don’t have the opportunity to be represented when decisions are being made that will directly affect your way of living. Independence is […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with BIPOC, BLOG, caudillo, General Antonio Lopez De Santa Anna, latin america, liberalism, Mexico, National Guards, political representation, racism, representation, thoughts, vote
Last week we discussed how important political representation. This reminded me of why it is so important to vote and use your voice to elect the representation you want. When you don’t vote you don’t have the opportunity to be represented when decisions are being made that will directly affect your way of living. Independence is […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with BIPOC, BLOG, caudillo, General Antonio Lopez De Santa Anna, LAST, LAST POSTS, latin america, liberalism, Mexico, National Guards, political representation, racism, representation, thoughts, vote
After watching the lecture and reading “Caudillos Versus the Nation State”, I could see some of the appeal behind a caudillismo system. The Caudillos could appeal to the marginalized, as it is claimed that Guatemalan caudillo Rafael Carrera did when he restrained the state and vouched for the peasant’s rural autonomy. With the power vacuum […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 5 | Tagged with carrera, caudillo, client, identity, liberal, patron, reciprocal