The access to the doctrine of terror survivors’ testimonies has the power to unveil the truth and expose how their husbands, wives, children, friends, parents, and everything they possessed were violently taken away by a “state terrorist organized and supported by the United States” (Chomsky 21). On the morning of December 11th, 1981, the SalvadoranContinue reading “Research Assignment | “The Doctrine of Terror:a Testimony” (Source 2)”
Posted in Blogs, Week 10 | Tagged with 1981, El Mozote, El Salvador, Research Assignment, Rufina Amaya, The Terror
Today, almost every street in El Salvador will be the center of a great celebration: Independence. Big parades full of music, dances, colourful costumes, fireworks, and floats are planned every single year to commemorate the establishment of a “free nation”. When I ask myself, is El Salvador a really free nation? Are we owners ofContinue reading “Week 3| Independence: The Beginning of a New Colonial Period?”
Posted in Blogs, Week 3 | Tagged with Colonial Heritage, colonialism, El Salvador, Free Nation, independence, José Matías Delgado, Sep 15th, System of Castas
After reading this week’s prescribed reading and watching a few videos I feel even less capable of commenting on the content contained within them. As a self-professed news hound, my rather limited experience of the world is filled with the narrative provided by one side of a story; most often, an American bias (I use […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 9 | Tagged with American, El Salvador, Manufactured Consent, Noam Chomsky, Romero, USA