This week encompassed the struggles for freedom and citizenship rights. For Latin America, modernity was a dichotomy between emancipation/enlightenment versus more injustice and prejudice. Emancipation was a long process that certainly did not solve all of the region’s problems. All of a sudden there was rapid development, expansion of industries, and urbanization. There was aContinue reading “Week 7: The Export Boom as Modernity”
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Diaz, modernity
This week we reviewed/ revisited the idea that Latin America is, as Alexander Dawson describes it, as being Gilded with modernity. Modernity affects only parts of Latin America and ignores others. The Poet Ruben Dario This week I wanted to focus on the poem by Ruben Dario, called “To Rosevelt”. I found this poem to […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 8 | Tagged with BLOG, latin america, modernity, poem, Power, signs of crisis in a gilded age, To Rosevolt
This week we reviewed/ revisited the idea that Latin America is, as Alexander Dawson describes it, as being Gilded with modernity. Modernity affects only parts of Latin America and ignores others. The Poet Ruben Dario This week I wanted to focus on the poem by Ruben Dario, called “To Rosevelt”. I found this poem to […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 8 | Tagged with BLOG, LAST, LAST POSTS, latin america, modernity, poem, Power, signs of crisis in a gilded age, To Rosevolt
In the lecture video for this week, professor John talked about how modernization in Latin America tended to be superficial, and “trouble was brewing” under the surface. In the article about Diaz by Creelman, we read last week, Mexico seems to be a stable and peaceful region with no crisis in sight. Yet, reading this […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with modernity, week8
This week we are looking at modernity and what that looks like in Latin America. We will begin to look at economics and the introduction of technology and how they contribute to the integration of modernity. Look at our technology today, from the accessibility and growing necessity of the internet to our dependence on smartphones […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with BLOG, Costa rica, export, export boom, import, latin america, modern, modernity, natural goods, The Export Boom as Modernity, thoughts, week7
This week we are looking at modernity and what that looks like in Latin America. We will begin to look at economics and the introduction of technology and how they contribute to the integration of modernity. Look at our technology today, from the accessibility and growing necessity of the internet to our dependence on smartphones […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with BLOG, Costa rica, export, export boom, import, LAST, LAST POSTS, latin america, modern, modernity, natural goods, The Export Boom as Modernity, thoughts, week7
Modernity can be looked as a positive or negative thing depending on who you speak to. With more industrialization, tolerance and a new era of science/technology, a country joins the modern world with a lot to offer. It can be linked to a more liberal way of life. However when transitioning from a traditional society […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with future, Mexico, modernity, week7