This week we looked at populism and Argentinas’ first lady Evita. This week we learned of the concept of populism political representation. When I googled the definition of populism I got a vague answer; “A political approach that strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups”. […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 10 | Tagged with Argentina, BLOG, Evita, latin america, Perón, populism, power to the people, thoughts
This week we looked at populism and Argentinas’ first lady Evita. This week we learned of the concept of populism political representation. When I googled the definition of populism I got a vague answer; “A political approach that strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups”. […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 10 | Tagged with Argentina, BLOG, Evita, LAST, LAST POSTS, latin america, Perón, populism, power to the people, thoughts
This weeks reading I had more of an emotional response than an intellectual like that of the Columbus’s journal. As an Argentine, I hold Evita and Peron in very high regards due to what they accomplished and what they mean to us Argentines. Since them, we have always been searching, either consciously or unconsciously, for […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 10 | Tagged with descamisados, Evita, human anture, human nature, Kirchnerista, masses, Perón, populism
This week’s reading and lecture showed how appliances, such as the microphone and the radio, played a significant role in forming the politics in Latin America. Politicians were able to reach larger audiences more efficiently and civilians were able to view political leaders as closer figures. Out of the four texts Dawson presents of Eva […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Evita, Perón, peronista, power to the people, week10
This week I will be looking at the influence of Evita and the renunciamento. I found it interesting how Evita would often conflate herself with the people, such as when she said: “my General, we the people, your vanguard of descamisados…”. Here she associates herself with the people by saying “we”, but at other times […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 10 | Tagged with breeches, Casa Rosada, coulette, Descamisado, Eva, Evita, People, Perón, populism, renunciamento, shirtless
Macón, Cecilia. “Santa Evita Montonera: Envious, therefore Empowered.” Journal of Romance Studies, vol. 15, no. 1, 2015, pp. 1-28. In the article “Santa Evita Montonera: Envious, therefore empowered”(2015), Cecilia Macón examines the characteristics that made Eva Perón both a saint and a villain, and the difficulties of female political agency in terms of affects. AccordingContinue reading “Writing Research Assignment Pt II”
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Argentina, Eva Peron, Montoneros, Perón, Peronism, Writing Assignment
Macón, Cecilia. “Santa Evita Montonera: Envious, therefore Empowered.” Journal of Romance Studies, vol. 15, no. 1, 2015, pp. 1-28. In the article “Santa Evita Montonera: Envious, therefore empowered”(2015), Cecilia Macón examines the characteristics that made Eva Perón both a saint and a villain, and the difficulties of female political agency in terms of affects. AccordingContinue reading “Writing Research Assignment Pt II”
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Argentina, Eva Peron, Montoneros, Perón, Peronism, Sem categoria, Writing Assignment
This week, I was able to see the effect that technology had to move the people into the forefront of the political game. As it has been noted multiple times thus far in this course, one of the things that … Continue reading →
Posted in Blogs, Week 10 | Tagged with democracy, imagined narratives, Perón, personality cult, populism, propaganda, radio, technology
This week, I was able to see the effect that technology had to move the people into the forefront of the political game. As it has been noted multiple times thus far in this course, one of the things that … Continue reading →
Posted in Blogs, Week 10 | Tagged with democracy, imagined narratives, Perón, personality cult, populism, propaganda, radio, technology