In The Press and Classical Populism in Argentina and Brazil (2018), Ariel Alejandro Goldstein explains to readers the way in which the media was used by the government in the populist regimes of Peronism and Vargism, from the 1930s to the 1950s. Since our project will focus primarily on the the Peronist regime in ArgentinaContinue reading “Power to the People and “The Press and Classical Populism in Argentina and Brazil””
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Argentina, Evita, Juan Peron, media outlets, newspapers, Peronism, populism, power to the people, project
In this week’s readings and videos, there is a large emphasis placed on the role of technology in Latin American political campaigns between the 1920s and 1950s. Tools such as the radio were extremely important at this time in history because they were one of the first tools available to almost all individuals poor or …
Continue reading “Broadcast and Propaganda In Argentina”
Posted in Blogs, Week 9 | Tagged with 1920s, 1950s, Argentina, censorship, dictatorship, Falklands War, Juan Peron, Perón, radio, Tango
The first topic of focus is of the utility of technological advancement in the political sphere. It seems that leaders such as Juan and Evita Peron were able to utilize these advancements greatly as a means to create a wide support base. As is mentioned in the reading, prior to the creation of radio it […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Argentina, Chávez, Evita Peron, Juan Peron, radio
The first topic of focus is of the utility of technological advancement in the political sphere. It seems that leaders such as Juan and Evita Peron were able to utilize these advancements greatly as a means to create a wide support base. As is mentioned in the reading, prior to the creation of radio it […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Argentina, Chávez, Evita Peron, Juan Peron, radio