This week, I was fascinated by the article “La Revolución Digital: Mobile Media Use in Contemporary Cuba”. Back when COVID-19 didn’t restrict travel (what feels like a lifetime ago), I went to Cuba with my family for a week. It was strange to be in a country that was so detached from the world. IContinue reading “Week 13: TV and The Internet”
Posted in Blogs, Week 13 | Tagged with Cuba, Uncategorized
A woman deserves the same rights as a man. I think everyone agrees with that statement. Even looking at the time period, reading the letter written by Josefina Pelliza da Sagasta had left me utterly shocked considering the fact she is a woman herself. You can clearly understand how progressive her ideology is and the […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Brazil, Cuba, rights, slavery, WeekSix
For this week’s blog post I want to focus on the “Our America” essay by José Martí. This essay reflects José Martí’s reaction to the situation that Cuba was in back when it was still under Spanish occupation. I did a little bit of research into the history, and I found out that Cuba was […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 4 | Tagged with Cuba, Jose Marti, natural man, Our America
Revolutionary Cuba: A History is a comprehensive book detailing the prolonged revolution Cuba experienced under Castro. Chapters 2 and 3 explain what happened in the first decade of the revolution, the timeline our video project will focus on. Martínez-Fernández argues what Dawson argues: that the revolution in Cuba was a process, a movement, rather than […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 10 | Tagged with Che Guevara, Cuba, Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, new man, United States
Revolutionary Cuba: A History is a comprehensive book detailing the prolonged revolution Cuba experienced under Castro. Chapters 2 and 3 explain what happened in the first decade of the revolution, the timeline our video project will focus on. Martínez-Fernández argues what Dawson argues: that the revolution in Cuba was a process, a movement, rather than […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 10 | Tagged with Che Guevara, Cuba, Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, new man, United States