I really enjoyed this week’s readings and films. The title alone Journey to Banana Land is a commodification Latin America, labeling it as a land of resources for the US. It begins with comparing Banana Land (the film’s name for the land extending from Mexico to Colombia and the Caribbean) to the US. They giveContinue reading “Week 9: Commerce, Coercion, and America’s Empire”
Posted in Blogs, Week 9 | Tagged with colonialism, commodification, Imperialism, propaganda, resources, trade, USA
I find it difficult to imagine a world where “surveillance and torture” equals “peace and security”, but sadly, even more than sadly, this was the reality for many people in certain Latin American countries. As the reading highlights, there were many, many accounts of the government killing, kidnapping, and torturing their own citizens. In the … Continue reading “Week Twelve”
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Argentina, drug trade, madres, USA
I am very interested in the way that the media was used during the times of the War on Drugs or the disappearance of the children for the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo or the Aguas Blancas Massacre, which I think is something Dawson explores as well. To begin with, it is interesting that the documents […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 12 | Tagged with Argentina, Corruption, media, Mexico, USA
I am very interested in the way that the media was used during the times of the War on Drugs or the disappearance of the children for the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo or the Aguas Blancas Massacre, which I think is something Dawson explores as well. To begin with, it is interesting that the documents […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 12 | Tagged with Argentina, Corruption, media, Mexico, USA