Posted in Featured Articles and Videos, Lecture Videos, Week 13 Lecture | Tagged with Bolivia, C20th, C21st, constituent power, Corruption, Ecuador, left turns, neoliberalism, resistance, state
Echeverria’s The Slaughterhouse was very hard to read. Not only was it told from the perspective of an elite with deeply rooted racist opinions, but the tone of the story is one of dejected acceptance of the inevitable loss of … Continue reading →
Posted in Blogs, Week 5 | Tagged with barbarism, Capitalism, caudillos, Echeverría, independence, interlocutors, liberalism, Mexico, state
After this week’s video and readings, what come up most prominently in my head is political turmoil and social unrest. It seems to me that after having acquired their independence, the people of Latin American were directionless. I do not mean that individually they did not know where they wanted to go. Surely, each individual […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 5 | Tagged with caudillos, state, turmoil
After this week’s video and readings, what come up most prominently in my head is political turmoil and social unrest. It seems to me that after having acquired their independence, the people of Latin American were directionless. I do not mean that individually they did not know where they wanted to go. Surely, each individual […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 5 | Tagged with caudillos, state, turmoil