Posted in Lecture Videos, Week 5 Lecture | Tagged with affect, Argentina, barbarism, C19th, caudillos, civilization, Echeverría, liberalism, literature, misplaced ideas, violence, war
Posted in Lecture Videos, Week 2 Lecture | Tagged with allegory, C15th, C16th, colonization, Columbus, conquest, history, Las Casas, literature, myth, narrative, representation, Todorov
After reading this week’s last chapter, I got the feeling that there is a bit of anxiety when it comes to predicting the future of an entire region, especially one so volatile like Latin America. If we know something about current international politics, and specifically of the United States, is that this powerful nation […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 13 | Tagged with America, Argentina, colombia, Economical, latin america, latino, literature, modernity, Peru, Political
After reading this week’s last chapter, I got the feeling that there is a bit of anxiety when it comes to predicting the future of an entire region, especially one so volatile like Latin America. If we know something about current international politics, and specifically of the United States, is that this powerful nation […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 13 | Tagged with America, Argentina, colombia, Economical, latin america, latino, literature, modernity, Peru, Political
It is clear that right after independence was gained by different countries in Latin America, the ‘caudillo’ figure was born out of necessity. Consequently, this was the care because some political similarities were necessary to maintaining pre-existing colonial ways of managing power relations. I find it interesting to know the story of Santa Anna, Mexico’s […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 5 | Tagged with Argentina, Barbarims, Civilizatioin, literature