A conversation with Rita De Grandis (video)
Posted in Interview Videos, Week 12 Videos | Tagged with Argentina, C20th, democracy, dictatorship, gender, neoliberalism, resistance, Rita De Grandis, violence, women
Posted in Lecture Videos, Week 6 Lecture | Tagged with affect, Argentina, Brazil, C19th, discourse, gender, history, liberalism, race, rights, slavery, women
The selected chapter for the team is Citizenship and Rights in the New republics, our focus is on women rights. As we saw through the course, after independence was reached another problem surged; Who belong to the country? What rights are people entitled? Are we all the same? Fortunately, these questions were “solved on their … Sigue leyendo Short research assignment →
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Discrimination, economy, rights, Sin categoría, women
Women and Latin American Modernity During the Export Boom First Source: In her book, “Women’s Roles in Latin America and the Caribbean”, Kathryn A. Sloan speaks to the emergence of feminism in Latin America. The women’s rights movement focused on women’s rights as human rights, and also on the importance of economic justice. Race, class, […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 7 | Tagged with feminism, research, Short research assignment, week7, women
Women and Latin American Modernity During the Export Boom First Source: In her book, “Women’s Roles in Latin America and the Caribbean”, Kathryn A. Sloan speaks to the emergence of feminism in Latin America. The women’s rights movement focused on women’s rights as human rights, and also on the importance of economic justice. Race, class, […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 7 | Tagged with feminism, research, Short research assignment, week7, women