I absolutely enjoyed this week’s readings and lecture video. Particularly because I found Catalina De Erauso’s, Lieutenant Nun quite engaging,…
Posted in Blogs, Week 3 | Tagged with acceptance, casta paintings, Catalina de Erauso, colonial experience, deceit, Discrimination, mestizo, Mulatto
The selected chapter for the team is Citizenship and Rights in the New republics, our focus is on women rights. As we saw through the course, after independence was reached another problem surged; Who belong to the country? What rights are people entitled? Are we all the same? Fortunately, these questions were “solved on their … Sigue leyendo Short research assignment →
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Discrimination, economy, rights, Sin categoría, women
This week I would like to directly comment on the questions that Jon asks in his lecture video. How does a history of slavery affect the Americas today? Even though in a perfect world, there would be no prejudice, hate or discrimination against different races, this is sadly not the case in the current world […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 6 | Tagged with Discrimination, education, race, Racial Tension
This week’s material did not really surprise me at all. After learning about the social disorder and disagreement that followed independence in Latin American nations last week, it seemed to follow suit that there would be immense class, gender and racial struggles as well. During this era, many nations sought to define civil rights as […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 6 | Tagged with civil rights, class, Discrimination, emancipation, Equality, feminism, identity, racism, slavery
This week’s material did not really surprise me at all. After learning about the social disorder and disagreement that followed independence in Latin American nations last week, it seemed to follow suit that there would be immense class, gender and racial struggles as well. During this era, many nations sought to define civil rights as […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 6 | Tagged with civil rights, class, Discrimination, emancipation, Equality, feminism, identity, racism, slavery