This week we looked at populism and Argentinas’ first lady Evita. This week we learned of the concept of populism political representation. When I googled the definition of populism I got a vague answer; “A political approach that strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups”. […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 10 | Tagged with Argentina, BLOG, Evita, latin america, Perón, populism, power to the people, thoughts
This week we looked at populism and Argentinas’ first lady Evita. This week we learned of the concept of populism political representation. When I googled the definition of populism I got a vague answer; “A political approach that strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups”. […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 10 | Tagged with Argentina, BLOG, Evita, LAST, LAST POSTS, latin america, Perón, populism, power to the people, thoughts
Populism is not a realistic longterm view on running politics. Populism is cantered around those in society who are in…
Posted in Blogs, Week 10 | Tagged with Evita
This weeks reading I had more of an emotional response than an intellectual like that of the Columbus’s journal. As an Argentine, I hold Evita and Peron in very high regards due to what they accomplished and what they mean to us Argentines. Since them, we have always been searching, either consciously or unconsciously, for […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 10 | Tagged with descamisados, Evita, human anture, human nature, Kirchnerista, masses, Perón, populism
This week I will be looking at the influence of Evita and the renunciamento. I found it interesting how Evita would often conflate herself with the people, such as when she said: “my General, we the people, your vanguard of descamisados…”. Here she associates herself with the people by saying “we”, but at other times […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 10 | Tagged with breeches, Casa Rosada, coulette, Descamisado, Eva, Evita, People, Perón, populism, renunciamento, shirtless
This week we talked “populism” and I was really interested to hear what Jon had to say about the term in the lecture video. He said that it has become a “a term of abuse” and that ironically, “calling someone else a populist can in itself be a populist gesture”. One thing he said that […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 10 | Tagged with elite, General Perón, populism