Posted in Lecture Videos, Week 2 Lecture | Tagged with allegory, C15th, C16th, colonization, Columbus, conquest, history, Las Casas, literature, myth, narrative, representation, Todorov
Long have I waited to read the diaries of Columbus and Cortes. Though there is much other research that is need to be investigated before I can have legitimate opinion about the transcripts and events, I go into this reading with a state of enmity and conflict. I think a lot of Latinos feel the […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with america latina, Columbus, Conquer, crossroad, dead, diary, emotional, god, history
Dawson’s definition of revolution is interesting. He states that “revolution is a claim of ownership on history” and “an attempt to shape a view of the past that organises power in the present” through inheritance or attributing meaning. Before the American Revolution, “revolution” was a much more literal word. Revolutionaries would want to “revolve” or […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 8 | Tagged with 20th century, Change, continuity, history, Mexico, Reform, revolution
Dawson’s definition of revolution is interesting. He states that “revolution is a claim of ownership on history” and “an attempt to shape a view of the past that organises power in the present” through inheritance or attributing meaning. Before the American Revolution, “revolution” was a much more literal word. Revolutionaries would want to “revolve” or […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 8 | Tagged with 20th century, Change, continuity, history, Mexico, Reform, revolution