This week was a great further introduction to the course. The content covered Columbus stumbling upon Latin America and the interaction between the new and old world through various texts. I found it was interesting how Jon talked about 1494 AKA the “first discovery of Latin America” being a “mythical date”. In school, we learnedContinue reading “Week 2: The Meeting of two Worlds”
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Columbus, Guaman Poma
The arrival of Columbus and his people to the Americas in 1492 and what it signifies for both Latin American and European history is an incredibly complex subject. It starts from the way that arrival is framed – is it a “discovery”, a “conquering”, an “invasion”? We tend to quickly classify it as one or […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 2 | Tagged with Columbus, Guaman Poma
I’m a great fan of sea voyages and journey diaries, so Columbus log on his adventures was a true entertainment for me. Still, some small details puzzle me. Of course, I can try to figure out explanations why, but I … Continue reading →
Posted in Blogs, Week 2 | Tagged with Columbus, Guaman Poma
Columbus’ journal and Guaman Poma’s chronicle are narratives of two separate historical events, yet they are essentially the same. Whether it’s Columbus exploring around Cuba, or the Spaniards taking over Peru, we see the encounter of two worlds, the invasion of a more civilized, more technologically and economically advanced, capitalistic world to a primitive and resources-abundant world. The […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 2 | Tagged with Columbus, Guaman Poma