Going into this course, I knew very little about Latin America. Much of my impression of the region was generally comprised of stereotypes and basic generalizations. I soon came to realize how incorrect these preconceptions were. I quickly learned more about the complexity, depth, and rich history of a region that I previously knew soContinue reading “Week 13: Towards an Uncertain Future”
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with complex, future, uncertain
As the last week comes to a close, I have greatly increased my knowledge on the history and predicaments of countries within Latin America compared to when I first walked into class in September. I find it troubling, besides being unsurprised, that the majority of Latin American history depicts the affects of oppression on disenfranchised […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with future, Hardships, uncertain
Towards an uncertain future speaks for itself. Latin America has had a long history of uncertainty where the consequences of events are unpredictable and most likely to result in the repetition and normalization of certain institutions. It has been a long history of violence, conflict, disillusion and a cyclical story of certain aspects and conditions. […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 13 | Tagged with Corruption, future, left turn, populism, uncertain, violence
Towards an uncertain future speaks for itself. Latin America has had a long history of uncertainty where the consequences of events are unpredictable and most likely to result in the repetition and normalization of certain institutions. It has been a long history of violence, conflict, disillusion and a cyclical story of certain aspects and conditions. […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 13 | Tagged with Corruption, future, left turn, populism, uncertain, violence