Another course I am currently undertaking relates to the concept of nationalism (in the context of modern Asia), and suggests that nationalism is only a recent trend born from decolonisation movements. Previously, I had only really associated decolonisation with that … Continue reading →
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Bolívar, Chávez, colonialism, Cuba, identity, independence, Martí, rebellion, Venezuela
I had learned a little about casta paintings in a cultural anthropology course a few semesters ago. Arguably, race is a constructed concept, and in colonial Latin America, it seems race was constructed to favour and ensure Spanish supremacy in the area. Interestingly, I think this relates to the general idea of Latin America; it […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 3 | Tagged with casta paintings, Catalina de Erauso, colonialism
Today, almost every street in El Salvador will be the center of a great celebration: Independence. Big parades full of music, dances, colourful costumes, fireworks, and floats are planned every single year to commemorate the establishment of a “free nation”. When I ask myself, is El Salvador a really free nation? Are we owners ofContinue reading “Week 3| Independence: The Beginning of a New Colonial Period?”
Posted in Blogs, Week 3 | Tagged with Colonial Heritage, colonialism, El Salvador, Free Nation, independence, José Matías Delgado, Sep 15th, System of Castas
Anna Lake-Soros and David Waine on rights from the Aztecs to the present
Posted in Student Videos - 2014, Week 6 Videos | Tagged with Aztecs, Bolivia, Citizenship, colonialism, gender, Haiti, indigeneity, Mexico, Peru, race, rights