Un pueblo sin piernas pero que camina. The metaphors continue. There is something captivating about Latin American tendencies to mesh art with politics, aestheticism with power. Martí’s eloquence places him firmly in this tradition. Chávez is decidedly not a poet. Yet his 2004 speech pursues the same themes as those of Martí and Bolívar in his demand for independence for Latin American nations (or nations of “the South”). It would be important, here, to characterize “independence” and how it has been conceived of over time. It is hard not being…read more
Posted in Blogs, Week 4 | Tagged with art, Bolívar, Chávez, colonialism, creativity, independence, indigeneity, Martí, poetry, South
“How do you get people who do not care about your existence to listen? Is revolt the only way?” That was my first question when I thought about Latin American independence. This week I will be mostly focusing on Simon Bolivar’s piece, because I was really struck by its originality in the sense of the […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 4 | Tagged with colonialism, independence, representation, Simon Bolivar
“How do you get people who do not care about your existence to listen? Is revolt the only way?” That was my first question when I thought about Latin American independence. This week I will be mostly focusing on Simon Bolivar’s piece, because I was really struck by its originality in the sense of the […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 4 | Tagged with colonialism, independence, representation, Simon Bolivar
This week’s topic, “the colonial experience” is largely centred on the ways in which colonialism expressed itself with regards its impact on the societies and peoples which it touched. Colonialism, as a very complicated phenomena finds expression in many modes, and has had wide-reaching impacts that persist today. Nevertheless, colonialism tends to strike in a pattern of faultlines in social fabric, compartmentalizing populations and polarizing relations. Of those faultlines, two are especially highlighted in this week’s readings: race in Casta Paintings, and gender in the case of Lieutenant Nun. Race is a…read more
Posted in Blogs, Week 3 | Tagged with castas, colonialism, divisions, faultline, gender, race, social constructs
First and foremost, I would like to say shoutouts to Jon’s haircut in this one. It looks nice.Re: Religion as WeaponIn one of our previous classes, we discussed (briefly) the use and implementation of religion re: the new world. In my group, we discuss…
Posted in Blogs, Week 3 | Tagged with casta paintings, colonialism, cultural appropriation, ethnic cleansing, indoctrination, problematic, religion, Spain, spanish
First and foremost, I would like to say shoutouts to Jon’s haircut in this one. It looks nice.Re: Religion as WeaponIn one of our previous classes, we discussed (briefly) the use and implementation of religion re: the new world. In my group, we discuss…
Posted in Blogs, Week 3 | Tagged with casta paintings, colonialism, cultural appropriation, ethnic cleansing, indoctrination, problematic, religion, Spain, spanish
First and foremost, I would like to say shoutouts to Jon’s haircut in this one. It looks nice.Re: Religion as WeaponIn one of our previous classes, we discussed (briefly) the use and implementation of religion re: the new world. In my group, we discuss…
Posted in Blogs, Week 3 | Tagged with casta paintings, colonialism, cultural appropriation, ethnic cleansing, indoctrination, problematic, religion, Spain, spanish