I really enjoyed this week’s readings and films. The title alone Journey to Banana Land is a commodification Latin America, labeling it as a land of resources for the US. It begins with comparing Banana Land (the film’s name for the land extending from Mexico to Colombia and the Caribbean) to the US. They giveContinue reading “Week 9: Commerce, Coercion, and America’s Empire”
Posted in Blogs, Week 9 | Tagged with colonialism, commodification, Imperialism, propaganda, resources, trade, USA
Alec Dawson on the export boom (video)
Posted in Videos, Week 7 Videos | Tagged with C19th, class, commerce, economics, growth, labour, mining, modernization, photography, progress, technology, trade, urbanization
This week we begin to see the continuation of external power in Latin America and the growing American (US) dominance in the region. This week is particularly important because we notice a shift in power and have to take consideration of another external power in the politics, economy, and social aspects of Latin America. Being […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 9 | Tagged with Banana, Banana Republics, Guatemala, Intervention, trade, United States
This week we begin to see the continuation of external power in Latin America and the growing American (US) dominance in the region. This week is particularly important because we notice a shift in power and have to take consideration of another external power in the politics, economy, and social aspects of Latin America. Being […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 9 | Tagged with Banana, Banana Republics, Guatemala, Intervention, trade, United States
The whole history of “the Banana Republic” is an interesting concept! I didn’t know that bananas had to be scientifically altered in order for them to grow effectively and create a fruit that we see as a staple in most homes. It’s interesting that there was a whole company dedicated to fruit (UFCO), and that […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 9 | Tagged with bananas, Corruption, latin america, trade, U.S