I really enjoyed this week’s readings and films. The title alone Journey to Banana Land is a commodification Latin America, labeling it as a land of resources for the US. It begins with comparing Banana Land (the film’s name for the land extending from Mexico to Colombia and the Caribbean) to the US. They giveContinue reading “Week 9: Commerce, Coercion, and America’s Empire”
Posted in Blogs, Week 9 | Tagged with colonialism, commodification, Imperialism, propaganda, resources, trade, USA
In reading The Voyage of Christopher Columbus and The First New Chronicle and Good Government the reader is given a glimpse into the initial European perspectives on indigenous societies and the American continent. Glaringly evident is the discrepancy in represented voices, exacerbated by the flagrant contrasting juxtaposition of the two cultures at first contact. It is regrettable that no complementary accounts could grant modern readers an indigenous perspective on this historical meeting of cultures. In both Columbus and Poma’s accounts, a focal point is placed on a duality of primary interests of the…read more
Posted in Blogs, Week 2 | Tagged with Columbus, commodification, identity, Poma