In this week’s readings and videos, there is a large emphasis placed on the role of technology in Latin American political campaigns between the 1920s and 1950s. Tools such as the radio were extremely important at this time in history because they were one of the first tools available to almost all individuals poor or …
Continue reading “Broadcast and Propaganda In Argentina”
Posted in Blogs, Week 9 | Tagged with 1920s, 1950s, Argentina, censorship, dictatorship, Falklands War, Juan Peron, Perón, radio, Tango
It seems to me that there are really only three paths to political power. You can listen to your voters, and honestly try to represent their interests; you can convince your voters that you will look after them, but serve your own (or your parties!) interests first; or you can disregard the will of the […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 10 | Tagged with Perón, politics, populism
Corse, Theron E. Projecting Peron: The Constructed Image of Juan Peron, 1945-1949, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 1995. Max Weber describes three ‘pure’ types of legitimate authority: rational, traditional and charismatic. His account of ‘charismatic authority’ outlines its relation to specific and exceptional sanctity, heroism and exceptional character of an individual grounded in a complete devotion out of enthusiasm, despair or hope–– the crux of this legitimacy lies in a leader’s perception by his followers. Charisma is an intimate component of ‘populism;’ as such, its dialectic opposition to rationality and routine grounds…read more
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Argentina, authority, charisma, legitimacy, Perón, Peronismo, Weber
For one of my group’s sources on “Power to the People”, I have chosen: Plotkin, Mariano Ben. 2002. Mañana es San Perón: A cultural history of Peron’s Argentina. Wilmington, Del: Scholarly Resources. This book goes beyond the exploration of the political tools and manipulation used by Peron’s populist government and looks into the social and […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 11 | Tagged with Perón, populism
For one of my group’s sources on “Power to the People”, I have chosen: Plotkin, Mariano Ben. 2002. Mañana es San Perón: A cultural history of Peron’s Argentina. Wilmington, Del: Scholarly Resources. This book goes beyond the exploration of the political tools and manipulation used by Peron’s populist government and looks into the social and […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 11 | Tagged with Perón, populism
This week’s topic has been my favourite so far. Eva Perón is one of my heros/ idols (she’s no Cher, but she is right up there!). Yes, the politics of the Eva and Juan Perón are interesting, but only focusing on peronismo does such a disservice to the life that Eva led and what has […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 10 | Tagged with Aristotle, Don't Cry for me Argentina, Eva, Mass media, Perón, Power