Macón, Cecilia. “Santa Evita Montonera: Envious, therefore Empowered.” Journal of Romance Studies, vol. 15, no. 1, 2015, pp. 1-28. In the article “Santa Evita Montonera: Envious, therefore empowered”(2015), Cecilia Macón examines the characteristics that made Eva Perón both a saint and a villain, and the difficulties of female political agency in terms of affects. AccordingContinue reading “Writing Research Assignment Pt II”
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Argentina, Eva Peron, Montoneros, Perón, Peronism, Writing Assignment
Macón, Cecilia. “Santa Evita Montonera: Envious, therefore Empowered.” Journal of Romance Studies, vol. 15, no. 1, 2015, pp. 1-28. In the article “Santa Evita Montonera: Envious, therefore empowered”(2015), Cecilia Macón examines the characteristics that made Eva Perón both a saint and a villain, and the difficulties of female political agency in terms of affects. AccordingContinue reading “Writing Research Assignment Pt II”
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Argentina, Eva Peron, Montoneros, Perón, Peronism, Sem categoria, Writing Assignment