Up until taking this course, I did not realize how complex and somewhat confusing the hierarchies of the Spanish were at the beginning of the 19th Century. Most commonly, the Peninsulares (Spanish people born in Spain) viewed the Creoles (those born in the colonies) as inferior, the Creoles viewed the mixed populations (Mullatoes, Mestizos, etc.) …
Continue reading “Revolutionary Hypocrisy: 1815 to 2019”
Posted in Blogs, Week 4 | Tagged with european, Hugo Chávez, legacy, military, mixed-race, Nicolás Maduro, politics, revolution, Simon Bolivar, Spain, Venezuela
The excerpt of the memoir of la Monja Alferez, titled “The Lieutenant Nun”, was really fascinating because it offered such a hollywood-esque take on an aspect of this era of colonialism. Being a big fan of movies myself, learning about this story of a woman who cut her hair and pretended to be a man, becoming not […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 3 | Tagged with convention, defiant, hollywood, mixed-race, power of art, rebel