In Latin America during the late 18th– early 20th century caudillo leaders arose in societies that faced tremendous class conflicts. The idea of caudillismo is a “non-democratic rule by strong men, who generally arose via the military… and usually ruled with the support of the rural aristocracy” that spread around politically unstable regions in Latin … Continue reading Porfirio Diaz as a Caudillo
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with caudillismo, Mexico, porfiriato, porfirodiaz
In this week’s reading, I found it very interesting to read about the interplay between politics and technology. The invention of radio dramatically changed the political sphere in Latin America, and the lives of citizens by extension. The radio acted … Continue reading →
Posted in Blogs, Week 10 | Tagged with Argentina, Brazil, democracy, Mexico, Peronism, populism, radio, technology
This week, we learned about the American presence in Latin America. Personally, I found this weeks subject very interesting, as it touched on topics and relations that I had never heard of before or studied in school. I believe most of my lack of knowledge of American presence in Latin America is due to the […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 9 | Tagged with Arbenz, bananas, cartoons, cia, Disney, Guatemala, Mexico, movies, US
This week, we learned about the American presence in Latin America. Personally, I found this weeks subject very interesting, as it touched on topics and relations that I had never heard of before or studied in school. I believe most of my lack of knowledge of American presence in Latin America is due to the […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 9 | Tagged with Arbenz, bananas, cartoons, cia, Disney, Guatemala, Mexico, movies, US
I think that this week’s topic was another example of the multiplicity within Latin America and how different periods can mean such different things depending on who’s speaking. This is especially complex in reference to the Mexican revolution. When we think of “revolution,” we usually expect there to be a clear goal, yet this isn’t […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 8 | Tagged with communism, Mexican Revolution, Mexico, signs of crisis in a gilded age
Before I finish my blog, I just wanted to say that I had a bit of a harder time understanding this weeks subject. I was even debating writing this post after the class just so I could get a better grasp on the topic. Also, midterm season has taken a bit of a toll on […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 8 | Tagged with Change, latin america, Mexico, Reform, revolution
Before I finish my blog, I just wanted to say that I had a bit of a harder time understanding this weeks subject. I was even debating writing this post after the class just so I could get a better grasp on the topic. Also, midterm season has taken a bit of a toll on […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 8 | Tagged with Change, latin america, Mexico, Reform, revolution
This week we listened to another lecture by Professor Alexander Dawson regarding the Mexican Revolution and the Plan de Ayala. He claims that when revolution is discussed, it is “an attempt to shape a view of the past, that organizes … Continue reading →
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Emiliano Zapata, Mexico, Poncho Villa, revolution