The second source is by Alina Titei, Caudillismo: Identity Landmark of Hispanic American Authoritarian Political Culture. Titei presents three arguments made by scholars, including William H. Beezley mentioned previously, to explain the origins of caudillismo, “the Spanish monarchy, the colonial period, and the independence wars” (Titei. 286). Charles E. Chapman offers the first argument that […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with caudillismo, caudillos, latin america
The first source is Caudillismo: an Interpretive Note by William H. Beezley, included in the Journal of Inter-American Studies. In the section, he first discusses the Spanish Empire’s system of rule by “theory and practice”. This created room for a relatively flexible government in the colonies which gave immense power to a single person governing […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with caudillismo, caudillos, latin america
In this week’s readings, we read about the Caudillo Era in the 19th Century in which once again, Indigenous people were being leveraged and used for the sake of the ‘superior’ classes (elites), after and during the Independence revolution spearheaded by those living in the colonies. The Caudillo Era was a point in Spanish Colonial …
Continue reading “Caudillismo: Indigenous In the Modern World”
Posted in Blogs, Week 5 | Tagged with caudillismo, caudillos, colonialism, indigenous rights, military, politics, revolution, Spain
The political landscape of modern-day Latin America is often conceived of as a network of unfair, corrupt, impractical systems that only serve to further support those in high-ranking, wealthy positions. This very nature of Latin American politics is far from novel, as is illustrated by Frederic Hicks’ article on the persistence of caudillismo in modern-day… Continue reading Caudillismo – Research Assignment →
Posted in Blogs, Week 5 | Tagged with caudillismo, caudillos, Frederic Hicks, Paraguay, Partido Colorado, Partido Liberal, Research Assignment
The political landscape of modern-day Latin America is often conceived of as a network of unfair, corrupt, impractical systems that only serve to further support those in high-ranking, wealthy positions. This very nature of Latin American politics is far from novel, as is illustrated by Frederic Hicks’ article on the persistence of caudillismo in modern-day… Continue reading Caudillismo – Research Assignment →
Posted in Blogs, Week 5 | Tagged with caudillismo, caudillos, Frederic Hicks, Paraguay, Partido Colorado, Partido Liberal, Research Assignment
In Latin America during the late 18th– early 20th century caudillo leaders arose in societies that faced tremendous class conflicts. The idea of caudillismo is a “non-democratic rule by strong men, who generally arose via the military… and usually ruled with the support of the rural aristocracy” that spread around politically unstable regions in Latin … Continue reading Porfirio Diaz as a Caudillo
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with caudillismo, Mexico, porfiriato, porfirodiaz