Posted in Lecture Videos, Week 5 Lecture | Tagged with affect, Argentina, barbarism, C19th, caudillos, civilization, Echeverría, liberalism, literature, misplaced ideas, violence, war
What I found particularly interesting this week was Jon’s discussion of the social contract, and how, in the face of such a fragmented and almost lawless society (especially in the countryside and remote outposts), such a concept that we take … Continue reading →
Posted in Blogs, Week 5 | Tagged with caudillos, disenfranchisement, Echeverría, Hobbes, Leviathan, liberalism, mazorcas, populism, Rosas, social contract
What I found particularly interesting this week was Jon’s discussion of the social contract, and how, in the face of such a fragmented and almost lawless society (especially in the countryside and remote outposts), such a concept that we take … Continue reading →
Posted in Blogs, Week 5 | Tagged with caudillos, disenfranchisement, Echeverría, Hobbes, Leviathan, liberalism, mazorcas, populism, Rosas, social contract
Post independent Latin America was not in an ideal political climate. Latin America in general during the nineteenth century was not considered “ideal” in any sense — it was described as a “violent place where every man was against every man,”. A place where there were wars against one another, as well as other nations […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 5 | Tagged with caudillos, Echeverría
Video by Madeleine Deis, Christine Joy Ganase, Frances Perry, and Stephanie Steevie
Posted in Student Videos - 2017, Week 5 Videos | Tagged with C19th, caudillos, Diaz, Echeverría, Rosas, Trump, violence
I found this week’s readings most interesting. The entire way through reading them, I found myself questioning: what has changed; are caudillos unique to Latin America simply because they have a name for it? Curious about the literal meaning of the word ‘caudillo’, I looked it up in various sources, and I found words such […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Allende, behead, caudillos, cob of corn, Echeverría
Echeverria’s The Slaughterhouse was very hard to read. Not only was it told from the perspective of an elite with deeply rooted racist opinions, but the tone of the story is one of dejected acceptance of the inevitable loss of … Continue reading →
Posted in Blogs, Week 5 | Tagged with barbarism, Capitalism, caudillos, Echeverría, independence, interlocutors, liberalism, Mexico, state