This chapter discusses the creation of national culture, and whether or not it was cohesive or successful. I thought it was really interesting the importance that Dawson placed on the role of the technological advances of radio and photography. In Brazil, authoritarian ruler Getúlio Vargas understood the potential of radio as a means of propaganda, […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 10 | Tagged with Evita, Perón, populism, power to the people, propaganda
Power to the People This week, I listened to the student’s video to reflect upon how populism became so popular and how it won Latin American people’s heart. Populism: A political doctrine appeals to the interest and the ideas of the … Continue reading →
Posted in Blogs, Week 10 | Tagged with
This week, one of the things that stood out to me the most was the use of media, particularly the radio in promoting political messages. Though I had always known that the use of the radio played a large role in creating a shared community between the people and their leaders, I don’t think I […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 10 | Tagged with
The radio in Latin America really illustrates the effect media can have. It is astounding how much the radio influenced society in Latin America. It enabled them to grow their culture (through music) and more importantly it granted them the ability to more actively participate in social changes and politics. Power to the people- that […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 10 | Tagged with
The radio in Latin America really illustrates the effect media can have. It is astounding how much the radio influenced society in Latin America. It enabled them to grow their culture (through music) and more importantly it granted them the ability to more actively participate in social changes and politics. Power to the people- that […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 10 | Tagged with
Dawson’s podcast is very interesting, especially the point he makes about yes, populism is the idea of bringing people against a common enemy, but that does not necessarily mean that all those who come together will have the same political, economical, or social background (although in most cases they do). Something that is also interesting […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 10 | Tagged with
Unfortunately, as an Argentine-born, this is a topic that I can say very little about from an objective and untainted point of view. A couple of things that are worth noting about the Peron’s but primarily about Evita is that she is STILL romanticized and adored today. Many people make the ‘pilgrimage’ to her family’s […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 10 | Tagged with Eva Peron, Perón, populism, romanticism
Dawson’s podcast is very interesting, especially the point he makes about yes, populism is the idea of bringing people against a common enemy, but that does not necessarily mean that all those who come together will have the same political, economical, or social background (although in most cases they do). Something that is also interesting […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 10 | Tagged with
Unfortunately, as an Argentine-born, this is a topic that I can say very little about from an objective and untainted point of view. A couple of things that are worth noting about the Peron’s but primarily about Evita is that she is STILL romanticized and adored today. Many people make the ‘pilgrimage’ to her family’s […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 10 | Tagged with Eva Peron, Perón, populism, romanticism