It seems to me that there are really only three paths to political power. You can listen to your voters, and honestly try to represent their interests; you can convince your voters that you will look after them, but serve your own (or your parties!) interests first; or you can disregard the will of the […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 10 | Tagged with Perón, politics, populism
One thing that I thought most interesting about this week’s lecture was the emphasis on the new technologies that had come about, and how politics during this time was heavily influenced by it. The wave of populists that emerged in Latin American politics were able to reach so many people through the use of technology […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 10 | Tagged with Evita, idealism, Mass media, radio, technology, us vs them, utilisation of technology
One thing that I thought most interesting about this week’s lecture was the emphasis on the new technologies that had come about, and how politics during this time was heavily influenced by it. The wave of populists that emerged in Latin American politics were able to reach so many people through the use of technology […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 10 | Tagged with Evita, idealism, Mass media, radio, technology, us vs them, utilisation of technology
Populism is a difficult work to unpack. And its connotations have probably changed significantly over time. I believe that populism is intrinsically connected to a broad public or mass attraction. As such, it might defy traditional conservative perspectives on politics as exclusionary and being relegated to a certain political class. Populism can be construed as dangerous much as social movements can be (originally analyzed by political scientists as destructive “mob” mentalities). There is definitely a paternalism from political elite when deeming these populist movements as negative or “unfit” to the…read more
Posted in Blogs, Week 10 | Tagged with counter-majoritarianism, majoritarianism, majority, minority, populism, Trump, tyranny, weakness of democracy
This week’s topic has been my favourite so far. Eva Perón is one of my heros/ idols (she’s no Cher, but she is right up there!). Yes, the politics of the Eva and Juan Perón are interesting, but only focusing on peronismo does such a disservice to the life that Eva led and what has […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 10 | Tagged with Aristotle, Don't Cry for me Argentina, Eva, Mass media, Perón, Power
Populism and leadership It is really interesting to read in Dawson’s document how populist leaders had taken advantage of technological resources in order to improve their political speech. Furthermore, it is fascinating to see how Latin American society’s strong political views were compatible with the leadership of such a charismatic woman as Eva […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 10 | Tagged with
In this week’s reading, I found it very interesting to read about the interplay between politics and technology. The invention of radio dramatically changed the political sphere in Latin America, and the lives of citizens by extension. The radio acted … Continue reading →
Posted in Blogs, Week 10 | Tagged with Argentina, Brazil, democracy, Mexico, Peronism, populism, radio, technology
This week topic is about the term populism and how political figures take advantage of this method to gain popularity among people. Political figures always try to express that they are same as other ordinary people and they are coming from an average social group. This way they are able to gain the trust of […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 10 | Tagged with
This week topic is about the term populism and how political figures take advantage of this method to gain popularity among people. Political figures always try to express that they are same as other ordinary people and they are coming from an average social group. This way they are able to gain the trust of […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 10 | Tagged with