Modernity is an idea made up and followed mainly by westernized societies. Yet it has become the new normal for…
Posted in Blogs, Week 7 | Tagged with
At the turn of the Twentieth Century, the potential of Latin America seemed to be unfolding in a favourable way or at least by first glance. This is how I first viewed it when I read about it in books when I was trying to learn about Argentina and Mexico from afar. Argentina was within […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 7 | Tagged with civilized, demagogue, industrialized, Japan, modern, production
Modernity can be defined as the belief in the universal freedom and rationality of humanity, and is often posed as the conduit for teleological progress. I think the integration of modernity depends on a lot of factors. One of these is topographical. For example, as Dawson states: “Latin Americans lacked the resources needed to […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 7 | Tagged with apu, Barasana, Capitalism, democracy, Descartes, dominant, emergent, Huaorani, Locke, modernity, residual, West
This weeks theme of modernization closely relates to what I have been studying for a sociology class on development and…
Posted in Blogs, Week 7 | Tagged with abortion rights, deforestation, exclusionary, modernization, nature, ordem e progresso, Order and Progress, project, secularism, traditional Brazilian family
For this blog post I want to focus on the “Porfirio Díaz, Hero of the Americas” document. I found the structure and language of the interview to be quite interesting. To me it didn’t sound like the typical interview. There was a lot of description involved, and at times it felt like there was a […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 7 | Tagged with Hero of the Americas, Porfirio Díaz
Western liberal democracies pride themselves as examples of modernity. Through living standards, feminism, resource use. Specifically, how they compare to “less developed” countries, such as those within Latin America. Women in western liberal democracies are perceived as more free and equal in comparison to women in Latin America. What I mean is, although the patriarchyContinue reading “Week 7: The Export Boom as Modernity”
Posted in Blogs, Week 7 | Tagged with colonialism, feminism, modernity, patriarchy, resources, western