A conversation with Max Cameron (video)
Posted in Interview Videos, Week 4 Videos | Tagged with Bolivarianism, C19th, Chávez, democracy, history, inclusion, independence, politics, populism, revolution, Venezuela
Posted in Lecture Videos, Week 4 Lecture | Tagged with allegory, Bolívar, C19th, Chávez, independence, Martí, metaphor, multitude, politics, representation, rights, Túpac Amaru
Sometimes I’m taken aback by the lack of self awareness shown by those at the top of social and political hierarchy. If any group is going to be a group of oppressors it is this demographic. However oppressors practically never … Continue reading →
Posted in Blogs, Week 4 | Tagged with Bolívar, colonialism, Power, slavery
Sometimes I’m taken aback by the lack of self awareness shown by those at the top of social and political hierarchy. If any group is going to be a group of oppressors it is this demographic. However oppressors practically never … Continue reading →
Posted in Blogs, Week 4 | Tagged with Bolívar, colonialism, Power, slavery
After reading Our America, I can understand how it has been interpreted so many ways, and how both supporters of Castro and opponents of his might believe that the piece reflects their views. I think the confusion comes from how Marti talked more about what not to do than what to do. He was very […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 4 | Tagged with
Up until taking this course, I did not realize how complex and somewhat confusing the hierarchies of the Spanish were at the beginning of the 19th Century. Most commonly, the Peninsulares (Spanish people born in Spain) viewed the Creoles (those born in the colonies) as inferior, the Creoles viewed the mixed populations (Mullatoes, Mestizos, etc.) …
Continue reading “Revolutionary Hypocrisy: 1815 to 2019”
Posted in Blogs, Week 4 | Tagged with european, Hugo Chávez, legacy, military, mixed-race, Nicolás Maduro, politics, revolution, Simon Bolivar, Spain, Venezuela