For a large part of my life, Christopher Columbus was depicted as an “accidental hero” and the man who in some way “started it all.” I remember many teachers would describe how he set out on a voyage to the Silk Road in Asia, took the wrong route and ended up in the Americas. I […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with #twoworlds, Colombus, colonialism, weektwo
For week two, “The Meeting of Two Worlds”, I found myself surprised as well as impressed by the material. For some reason I did not expect the lecture to be explained in the way that it was. I believe it might be the first time I’ve heard someone question history in the sense that thereContinue reading “Week 2: The Meeting of Two Worlds”
Posted in Blogs, Week 1 | Tagged with Lecture, weektwo
After reading the journal of Christopher Columbus documenting his accounts of his discovery of what know today as Latin America, my personal opinion of him has stayed the same in not diminished in the solid proof that he was the gateway for the colonisation that ensued after his death. Growing up, I was not educatedContinue reading “Week 2: The Collision of Two Worlds”
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