I found Alison Spedding’s article “The Cultural Life of Coca” incredibly interesting. I didn’t realise that there was a cultural significance behind growing coca, I thought it was only a way to earn money. I found the symbolism behind the coca plant so beautiful and meaningful. It started to feel more personal to me sinceContinue reading “Week 5: Drugs”
Posted in Blogs, Week 5 | Tagged with Bolivia, coca, The USA, War on Drugs
This chapter is no less depressing than last chapter. It seems the patterns of repression, disappearance, and corrupt leadership continued well into the 80s and 90s throughout Latin America. I think the information we read about the Madres organisation shows the desperation felt by the general public. Their strong opinions and passion when speaking into […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 12 | Tagged with Argentina, authority, drugs, United States, War on Drugs
Hi all. For this week’s post, I will be discussing and analyzing a video in relation to this week’s material, entitled “Commerce, Coercion, and America’s Empire III”. More particularly, I will be commenting on the remarks it made regarding U.S. Foreign Policy. To begin, the video states that the United States asserted its dominance and […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Foreign Policy, Monroe Doctrine, Operation Condor, United States, War on Drugs
Hi all. For this week’s post, I will be discussing and analyzing a video in relation to this week’s material, entitled “Commerce, Coercion, and America’s Empire III”. More particularly, I will be commenting on the remarks it made regarding U.S. Foreign Policy. To begin, the video states that the United States asserted its dominance and […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Foreign Policy, latin america, Monroe Doctrine, Operation Condor, United States, War on Drugs
When reading about the perils of Latin America, I sometimes sit back and think to myself, “how do we end this?” There are so many layers of trauma, corruption, and power imbalance that it seems an impossible struggle to fix. … Continue reading →
Posted in Blogs, Week 12 | Tagged with Argentina, Corruption, drugs, madres de la plaza, poverty, Protest, violence, War on Drugs, youth
For last week, I wrote about the question of who profited from the Terrors in Latin America of the late 20th century. This weeks reading brought me into a moment in which the economics of the War on Drugs were quite clear. The USA was sending huge amounts of military aid to countries or paramilitary […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 12 | Tagged with Capitalism, D.A.R.E., police impunity, war is a racket, War on Drugs
This week, Dawson delves into some of the ways Latin Americans have resisted oppression and violence, particularly in the way they have worked to garner attention from the international community (especially the U.S.) as a tool for making a change in their reality. One of the examples the author discusses is the Madres de la […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 12 | Tagged with Argentina, Brazil, resistance, violence, War on Drugs
This week, Dawson delves into some of the ways Latin Americans have resisted oppression and violence, particularly in the way they have worked to garner attention from the international community (especially the U.S.) as a tool for making a change in their reality. One of the examples the author discusses is the Madres de la […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 12 | Tagged with Argentina, Brazil, resistance, violence, War on Drugs
Our introductory task for Latin American Studies 100 was to review the videos made by students of the previous year. In general, I was very impressed by the creativity and knowledge of the students and I am definitely looking forward to learning more in this course. The videos I watched were, Independence in Latin America: […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 1 | Tagged with caudillos, Meeting of Two Worlds, Student Videos Review, War on Drugs