Throughout the earlier political history of Latin America and more specifically Argentina, the power had been dictated by the few rather than the many. There was power held by the colonisers, the elites, and the governing bodies. With the rise of media being used to spread political messages across the nation, the ‘power’ was beingContinue reading “Week 10: Echoes of a Nation”
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with latinamerica, media, politics, Power, week10
I felt the description in this weeks lecture of 19th century post independence Latin America as [“Independent nations prolonging the colonial project”] to be interesting and apt. Bolivar and his contemporaries instigated a self serving independence in Latin America. It … Continue reading →
Posted in Blogs, Week 5 | Tagged with Bolívar, independence, Power, war
I felt the description in this weeks lecture of 19th century post independence Latin America as [“Independent nations prolonging the colonial project”] to be interesting and apt. Bolivar and his contemporaries instigated a self serving independence in Latin America. It … Continue reading →
Posted in Blogs, Week 5 | Tagged with Bolívar, independence, Power, war
Sometimes I’m taken aback by the lack of self awareness shown by those at the top of social and political hierarchy. If any group is going to be a group of oppressors it is this demographic. However oppressors practically never … Continue reading →
Posted in Blogs, Week 4 | Tagged with Bolívar, colonialism, Power, slavery
Sometimes I’m taken aback by the lack of self awareness shown by those at the top of social and political hierarchy. If any group is going to be a group of oppressors it is this demographic. However oppressors practically never … Continue reading →
Posted in Blogs, Week 4 | Tagged with Bolívar, colonialism, Power, slavery
In this week’s final chapter, Dawson focuses heavily on the economic priority that is continually held when considering the future development of a country or region. Stressing that the rate of economic growth and demand far outpaces the majority’s desire to ameliorate poverty and inequality, as well as to address environmental concerns. Its this tension […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 13 | Tagged with economy, future, globalization, Power, spiritual ideology, violence
In this week’s final chapter, Dawson focuses heavily on the economic priority that is continually held when considering the future development of a country or region. Stressing that the rate of economic growth and demand far outpaces the majority’s desire to ameliorate poverty and inequality, as well as to address environmental concerns. Its this tension […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 13 | Tagged with economy, future, globalization, latin america, Power, spiritual ideology, violence
The last few weeks in this course have demonstrated the extremities of violent activity and oppression in Latin America. As I discussed in last weeks topic and illustrated by Rita in the video, the power of the vote is extremely important, especially in a region such as Latin America where politics are unpredictable. (I doubt […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 12 | Tagged with Dirty War, murder, Power
The last few weeks in this course have demonstrated the extremities of violent activity and oppression in Latin America. As I discussed in last weeks topic and illustrated by Rita in the video, the power of the vote is extremely important, especially in a region such as Latin America where politics are unpredictable. (I doubt […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 12 | Tagged with Dirty War, murder, Power