This week’s readings talked about “populists” in Latin America. I put the term in quotes because it has a very ambiguous meaning in the context of Latin America; As Dawson says: “almost every popular Latin American leader of the mid-twentieth century could be called a populist” such as Caudillos that we learned in week 5. …
Continue reading “Week 10: Power to the People”
Posted in Blogs, Week 10 | Tagged with Argentina, Evita, paron, populists
This week’s readings talked about “populists” in Latin America. I put the term in quotes because it has a very ambiguous meaning in the context of Latin America; As Dawson says: “almost every popular Latin American leader of the mid-twentieth century could be called a populist” such as Caudillos that we learned in week 5. …
Continue reading “Week 10: Power to the People”
Posted in Blogs, Week 10 | Tagged with Argentina, Evita, paron, populists