A new world order emerges from the atrocities of World War Two. One dominated by nation states, with inviolable sovereignty (ideas of “humanitarian intervention” will wait until the 90s, with the end of the Cold War), and decorated with a humanist ambition embodied by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the newly established United Nations in 1948. Latin Americans would, however, not feel the protection of this declaration. Nation-states would wage violence against the people in their territories, untouchable in terms of the legalized legitimation of state violence….read more
Posted in Blogs, Week 11 | Tagged with flourishing, human rights, humanism, latinx, lives, matter, military, military authoritarianism, Nation state, perseverance, Proxy War, racism, sovereignty, survival, violence, weapons, WWII
The twentieth century brought a new international culture, a new dynamic to which Latin American nations and peoples would have to adjust to and engage in. In the stead of traditional European domination, a new ‘exchange’ emerged with the United States of America – one that would be contrasted with the old imperialist European hegemony. The USA described itself as anti-imperial, and insisted on a new kind of relationship with the ‘outside world’ for Latin America. However, as we have seen this week, this professed divergence between European and USA…read more
Posted in Blogs, Week 9 | Tagged with 20th century, continuity, empire, foreign affairs, globalization, international relations, legitimacy, modernity, Nation state, Nationalism, sovereignty, USA
The twentieth century brought a new international culture, a new dynamic to which Latin American nations and peoples would have to adjust to and engage in. In the stead of traditional European domination, a new ‘exchange’ emerged with the United States of America – one that would be contrasted with the old imperialist European hegemony. The USA described itself as anti-imperial, and insisted on a new kind of relationship with the ‘outside world’ for Latin America. However, as we have seen this week, this professed divergence between European and USA…read more
Posted in Blogs, Week 9 | Tagged with 20th century, continuity, empire, foreign affairs, globalization, international relations, legitimacy, media, modernity, Nation state, Nationalism, sovereignty, USA
This week’s reading provided a look inside post- independence Latin America. As it turns out, the result was perhaps not that of Bolivar’s dreams — the results were not overwhelmingly good for the creollos. One thing that I have learned … Continue reading →
Posted in Blogs, Week 5 | Tagged with caudillos, creollos, Nation state, unitarians
After hundreds of years of colonial rule, and oppression by eastern world civilizations, Latin American countries and its citizens acquired freedom. For many, Latin independence from the Spaniards would have left them delighted at the possibility of their lives and nations improving economically and socially for years to come. Furthermore, the people of the lower […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with caudillo, Nation state, Week5
This week we’re are discussing the role of Caudillos in the course of post-independence Latin America. I think a good place to start is with this quote from the Dawson text. “ They (caudillos) were figures who entered the vacuum of power left by the collapse of the Spanish colonial state and who offered hope […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 5 | Tagged with Bolívar, Brazil, caudillo, clientelism, independence, Mexico, Nation state, Santa Anna
This week we’re are discussing the role of Caudillos in the course of post-independence Latin America. I think a good place to start is with this quote from the Dawson text. “ They (caudillos) were figures who entered the vacuum of power left by the collapse of the Spanish colonial state and who offered hope […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 5 | Tagged with Bolívar, Brazil, caudillo, clientelism, independence, Mexico, Nation state, Santa Anna