The fight for independence,equality and justice in Latin America has been of recent rather than ancient history. Throughout its land masses, countries are continuing to try and recover from hundreds of years of Spanish rule, dominance, and discrimination, that has left the region economically devastated. The latin american fight for independence was achieved as a […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 4 | Tagged with Bolívar, independence, Martí
José Martí’s Nuestra América was and still is very influential in shaping thought through Latin America. There are several points and arguments that can and should be transferred to the present and sadly are not. One argument that he makes and maintains through the entire essay is the idea that in order for people to […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 4 | Tagged with creoles, independence, Martí, revolution
This week’s topic, Independence, is a huge topic to tackle. Especially when we are covering the independence of such a huge geographical area that is Latin America. I found the narrative of José Martí incredibly beautiful and poetic; the way in which he describes the struggle of the people of the New World against the […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 4 | Tagged with Bolívar, independence, Martí, rebellion
These past few weeks, we have been primarily focusing on the early stages of Latin America. For example, the landing of Christopher Columbus as well as the beginning of the colonial period. However this week, it seems that we have begun a more political chapter of Latin America. Personally, I’ve always found politics less interesting, […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 4 | Tagged with Bolívar, Chávez, Cuba, government, jamaica, Martí, politics, struggle, Venezuela
This week’s readings discussed the various stories of independence from the 1800s, focusing on Latin America. I personally was intrigued…
Posted in Blogs, Week 4 | Tagged with Chávez, independence, Martí
From this week’s lecture, I found the idea of ‘representation’ (one thing standing for another) very interesting. In light of the statement ‘not a single man of those who assume [so enormous, so unlimited a power] is chosen by us, or is subject to our control or influence’ (‘Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of … Continue reading Week Four →
Posted in Blogs, Week 4 | Tagged with G15, Hugo Chávez, Leadership, Martí, Our America, representation, Simon Bolivar
From this week’s lecture, I found the idea of ‘representation’ (one thing standing for another) very interesting. In light of the statement ‘not a single man of those who assume [so enormous, so unlimited a power] is chosen by us, or is subject to our control or influence’ (‘Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of … Continue reading Week Four →
Posted in Blogs, Week 4 | Tagged with Chávez, G15, Leadership, Martí, Our America, representation, Simon Bolivar
Where I should I begin with the first chapter from Dawson’s textbook? The facts within it is multilayer and never one sided. The facts about the growing but immature Liberalism coming from not only the US but also from France, the fact that the first country to gain independence in that region was Haiti (which […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 4 | Tagged with Bolívar, Chávez, Cházes, Martí