In this week’s final chapter, Dawson focuses heavily on the economic priority that is continually held when considering the future development of a country or region. Stressing that the rate of economic growth and demand far outpaces the majority’s desire to ameliorate poverty and inequality, as well as to address environmental concerns. Its this tension […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 13 | Tagged with economy, future, globalization, Power, spiritual ideology, violence
As the last week comes to a close, I have greatly increased my knowledge on the history and predicaments of countries within Latin America compared to when I first walked into class in September. I find it troubling, besides being unsurprised, that the majority of Latin American history depicts the affects of oppression on disenfranchised […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with future, Hardships, uncertain
Throughout the term, we have painted quite the dismal picture of Latin America. It is as if Latin America has not gotten a single break since Columbus set foot on this side of the world. Given what we’ve learned about Latin America, especially in relation to its genesis and development, it seems that it is… Continue reading The Means Justifying the Ends →
Posted in Blogs, Week 13 | Tagged with Corruption, future
Towards an uncertain future speaks for itself. Latin America has had a long history of uncertainty where the consequences of events are unpredictable and most likely to result in the repetition and normalization of certain institutions. It has been a long history of violence, conflict, disillusion and a cyclical story of certain aspects and conditions. […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 13 | Tagged with Corruption, future, left turn, populism, uncertain, violence
Towards an uncertain future speaks for itself. Latin America has had a long history of uncertainty where the consequences of events are unpredictable and most likely to result in the repetition and normalization of certain institutions. It has been a long history of violence, conflict, disillusion and a cyclical story of certain aspects and conditions. […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 13 | Tagged with Corruption, future, left turn, populism, uncertain, violence
This week, we learned about the uncertain future of many Latin American countries, and their transition. Personally, I didn’t find this weeks material overly interesting. I believe it is due to the fact that we are reaching an increasingly modern Latin America as the semester progresses and I’m learning about the more recent traumas experienced […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 13 | Tagged with economy, exit, future, latin america, loyalty, Power, Stability, voice
This week, we learned about the uncertain future of many Latin American countries, and their transition. Personally, I didn’t find this weeks material overly interesting. I believe it is due to the fact that we are reaching an increasingly modern Latin America as the semester progresses and I’m learning about the more recent traumas experienced […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 13 | Tagged with economy, exit, future, latin america, loyalty, Power, Stability, voice
I find week thirteen’s homework to be interesting as it focuses contemporary times and what the future holds for different countries in Latin America. In particular, I liked Maxwell Cameron’s conversation, “The Left Turns.” Early in the video, Cameron mentions that, in the past as countries would transition from neoliberalism to the rise of the left, […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 13 | Tagged with Bolivia, Brazil, Cameron, democracy, future, theleftturns, week13
I find week thirteen’s homework to be interesting as it focuses contemporary times and what the future holds for different countries in Latin America. In particular, I liked Maxwell Cameron’s conversation, “The Left Turns.” Early in the video, Cameron mentions that, in the past as countries would transition from neoliberalism to the rise of the left, […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 13 | Tagged with Bolivia, Brazil, Cameron, democracy, future, theleftturns, week13