I absolutely enjoyed this week’s readings and lecture video. Particularly because I found Catalina De Erauso’s, Lieutenant Nun quite engaging,…
Posted in Blogs, Week 3 | Tagged with acceptance, casta paintings, Catalina de Erauso, colonial experience, deceit, Discrimination, mestizo, Mulatto
This week we are learning about why liberalism never quite thrived in Latin America, and why perhaps liberal ideals were never fully absorbed and integrated into Latin American cultures and societies. As we learnt last week, the Caudillo revolutionaries had ideologically great ideas for the future of Latin America, included in these were: freedom, equality, …
Continue reading “Post-Revolution Latin America: Race and Acceptance In a ‘New’ Society”
Posted in Blogs, Week 6 | Tagged with acceptance, caudillos, colonialism, emancipation, indigenous rights, race, revolution