(I accidentally spoke about the reading from week 1 also … oops!) For the first part of this blog post I want to focus on the opening paragraphs of Dawson’s “Latin America’s Useable Past” that intensified my desire to visit Mexico City! Dawson speaks about two neighbourhoods/communities in Mexico City (Polanco and Ecatepec) and says: […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 2 | Tagged with Columbus, Discovery, Mexico City
Another day, another question contributing to the already exceptional ambiguity of the idea of Latin America- now not just where, but also when? I think this weeks video raises an interesting point well before it begins to discuss the impact of Columbus’ arrival in the Americas. Was Latin America only brought into existence by the […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 2 | Tagged with Christopher Columbus, Conquer, Discovery
Week Two: “The Meeting of the Two Worlds” As we have seen in the videos and readings, there is a problem when trying to locate Latin America in a geographical sense. Now, we know that Latin America, more than a place which actually exists, is an idea. Its borders are fluid and what is considered […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 2 | Tagged with Colonial, Columbus, Discovery, Spain