Our group is focusing on Week 9: “Commerce, Coercion, and America’s Empire”. This week discusses the United States’ economic influence…
Posted in Blogs, Week 9 | Tagged with Assignments, Chile, coercion, commerce, Cuba, economy, free market, Imperialism, Nicaragua, Research Assignment, US
My group’s Week is number 9 – Commerce, Coercion and America’s Empire. It discusses the history of the North American influence in Latin America, driven by an ambition to control the region and increase wealth. It talks about how that was done through a division of labour that favored the North Americans and put the […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with coercion, commerce, north american influence, Short research assignment
My group’s Week is number 9 – Commerce, Coercion and America’s Empire. It discusses the history of the North American influence in Latin America, driven by an ambition to control the region and increase wealth. It talks about how that was done through a division of labour that favored the North Americans and put the […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with coercion, commerce, north american influence, Short research assignment
Upon reading this weeks article, I had little to no knowledge on the degree of american influence in Latin America. Many people label this region as the dumping ground of the developed nations, with little to no economic resources and businesses. However, for example as most people are unaware, Mexico in latin america has the […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with America, coercion, commerce, economy
This week as we are moving towards the 20th century, we are seeing more and more of USA’s influence and presence in Latin American culture, economy, etc. As there were no lecture/interview videos or podcasts, I decided to watch the “Silent War”, which I found pretty interesting. Since I had no idea what Silent war … Continue reading Week 9
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with banana land, Banana Republics, coercion, economy, fiebre amarilla, good neighbour, imperilaism, latin america
The segment “Walt Disney’s Latino Cartoon Characters” within the larger text of Pop Culture Latin America!: Media, Arts, and Lifestyle, written by Lisa Shaw and Stephanie Dennison, gives more insight to Walt Disney’s perception of Latin America and what exactly he wanted to accomplish. Hollywood’s depiction of Latin American identity relied heavily on the cartoon […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 9 | Tagged with America, cartoon, coercion, commerce, Disney
The segment “Walt Disney’s Latino Cartoon Characters” within the larger text of Pop Culture Latin America!: Media, Arts, and Lifestyle, written by Lisa Shaw and Stephanie Dennison, gives more insight to Walt Disney’s perception of Latin America and what exactly he wanted to accomplish. Hollywood’s depiction of Latin American identity relied heavily on the cartoon […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 9 | Tagged with America, cartoon, coercion, commerce, Disney
It has been hard for me to read the first half of this chapter calmly and unemotionally. As if China’s misery in the 19th and 20th centuries inflicted by European and American imperialism had not stung me enough, the similar experience that Latin America undertook reminded me of the interest-driven nature and ruthless measures of some if not all states. The claim […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with coercion, commerce, empire, reading report