During the Week 5 readings about caudillos we examined how they were able to come to power and how the appeal of immediate and concrete rewards in exchange for military or political support from followers outweighed the abstract appeal of liberalism or citizenship. I was left wondering more about the socio-political structure of caudillismo and […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 5 | Tagged with caudillos
During week 5, we learned about the era of caudillos in Latin America and how their reign forestalled the implementation of national government, democracy and modernization. We discussed the impact of the vacuum left by independence in creating this political phenomenon that became a corner stone in Latin American political history. However, there were many […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with caudillos, military, Research Assignment 1, strongmen
We did it. A week without an actual fight in Latin America. This week presents some of the populist leaders, dawson’s description seemed a little like the one from caudillos… is there any relation? The difference its clear, the «clientelism» concept doesn’t apply anymore as there is a federal government. Dawson’s podcast starts with how … Sigue leyendo Week 10-Power to the people →
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with caudillos, populism, Sin categoría
Week five’s reading was based around caudillos. At the beginning for the video we discussed that independence in Latin America brought neither order nor stability. It also said that “..independent nations of Latin America prolonged the colonial project left incomplete by their former Spanish masters.” I found this idea to be quite ironic. It is […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 5 | Tagged with caudillos, liberalism
I found this week’s readings most interesting. The entire way through reading them, I found myself questioning: what has changed; are caudillos unique to Latin America simply because they have a name for it? Curious about the literal meaning of the word ‘caudillo’, I looked it up in various sources, and I found words such […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Allende, behead, caudillos, cob of corn, Echeverría
All regions of the world have experienced dictatorship at some point through out their history and Latin America is no exception from this. However, the fact that differentiates Latin American version of dictatorship is that people weren’t too unhappy with their leader and In my opinion this a huge point. It would be interesting to […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 5 | Tagged with caudillos
All regions of the world have experienced dictatorship at some point through out their history and Latin America is no exception from this. However, the fact that differentiates Latin American version of dictatorship is that people weren’t too unhappy with their leader and In my opinion this a huge point. It would be interesting to […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 5 | Tagged with caudillos
Echeverria’s The Slaughterhouse was very hard to read. Not only was it told from the perspective of an elite with deeply rooted racist opinions, but the tone of the story is one of dejected acceptance of the inevitable loss of … Continue reading →
Posted in Blogs, Week 5 | Tagged with barbarism, Capitalism, caudillos, Echeverría, independence, interlocutors, liberalism, Mexico, state
I was immediately struck by the assigned reading for this week, The Slaughterhouse, written by Esteban Echeverria. A dark, chaotic and exaggerated story of 19th century Argentina, the work reminded me a lot of George Orwell’s 1984. The themes are certainly similar, and they both aim to represent a system of government or hierarchy in power. Personally, […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 5 | Tagged with 1984 George Orwell, caudillos, liberalism, long term vs short term, power shift
This week’s reading provided a look inside post- independence Latin America. As it turns out, the result was perhaps not that of Bolivar’s dreams — the results were not overwhelmingly good for the creollos. One thing that I have learned … Continue reading →
Posted in Blogs, Week 5 | Tagged with caudillos, creollos, Nation state, unitarians