Liberalism in Latin America was far from being as popular as it was in North America. Even today, I would say liberalism still makes a good portion of Latin American people look the other way. Much like it was said on the video, Latin America has a big a relatively recent history of slavery, and […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 5 | Tagged with caudillos, liberalism
Video by Madeleine Deis, Christine Joy Ganase, Frances Perry, and Stephanie Steevie
Posted in Student Videos - 2017, Week 5 Videos | Tagged with C19th, caudillos, Diaz, Echeverría, Rosas, Trump, violence
The political landscape of modern-day Latin America is often conceived of as a network of unfair, corrupt, impractical systems that only serve to further support those in high-ranking, wealthy positions. This very nature of Latin American politics is far from novel, as is illustrated by Frederic Hicks’ article on the persistence of caudillismo in modern-day… Continue reading Caudillismo – Research Assignment →
Posted in Blogs, Week 5 | Tagged with caudillismo, caudillos, Frederic Hicks, Paraguay, Partido Colorado, Partido Liberal, Research Assignment
The political landscape of modern-day Latin America is often conceived of as a network of unfair, corrupt, impractical systems that only serve to further support those in high-ranking, wealthy positions. This very nature of Latin American politics is far from novel, as is illustrated by Frederic Hicks’ article on the persistence of caudillismo in modern-day… Continue reading Caudillismo – Research Assignment →
Posted in Blogs, Week 5 | Tagged with caudillismo, caudillos, Frederic Hicks, Paraguay, Partido Colorado, Partido Liberal, Research Assignment
During the Week 5 readings about caudillos we examined how they were able to come to power and how the appeal of immediate and concrete rewards in exchange for military or political support from followers outweighed the abstract appeal of liberalism or citizenship. I was left wondering more about the socio-political structure of caudillismo and […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 5 | Tagged with caudillos
During week 5, we learned about the era of caudillos in Latin America and how their reign forestalled the implementation of national government, democracy and modernization. We discussed the impact of the vacuum left by independence in creating this political phenomenon that became a corner stone in Latin American political history. However, there were many […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with caudillos, military, Research Assignment 1, strongmen