Hi all. For this week’s reflections, I will be commenting on a video posted for week 12, entitled “Dictatorship and Resistance”. In it, Professor Rita de Grandis speaks about the military junta in Argentina between 1976 and 1983, which was supported by the United States through Operation Condor, though the exact extent of the American […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Argentina, Dirty War, Disappearances, Mexico, Operation Condor, United States
Hi all. For this week’s reflections, I will be commenting on a video posted for week 12, entitled “Dictatorship and Resistance”. In it, Professor Rita de Grandis speaks about the military junta in Argentina between 1976 and 1983, which was supported by the United States through Operation Condor, though the exact extent of the American […]
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Argentina, Dirty War, Disappearances, Mexico, Operation Condor, United States
This week I found the conversation with Rota de Grandis to be interesting in terms of her analysis of disappearance as a form of oppression as well as reconciliation and recovery of a nation from an era of frequent disappearances. … Continue reading →
Posted in Blogs, Week 12 | Tagged with Argentina, feminism
This week I found the conversation with Rota de Grandis to be interesting in terms of her analysis of disappearance as a form of oppression as well as reconciliation and recovery of a nation from an era of frequent disappearances. … Continue reading →
Posted in Blogs, Week 12 | Tagged with Argentina, feminism
In my reading of “Uncovering the Megalomania Behind Evita Peron”, Eva Peron undergoes a somewhat scathing dissection of her persona as opposed to her talents and influence. The critique that Evita’s popularity is attributable to her lack of testing is … Continue reading →
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Argentina, Evita, project
In my reading of “Uncovering the Megalomania Behind Evita Peron”, Eva Peron undergoes a somewhat scathing dissection of her persona as opposed to her talents and influence. The critique that Evita’s popularity is attributable to her lack of testing is … Continue reading →
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Argentina, Evita, project
Macón, Cecilia. “Santa Evita Montonera: Envious, therefore Empowered.” Journal of Romance Studies, vol. 15, no. 1, 2015, pp. 1-28. In the article “Santa Evita Montonera: Envious, therefore empowered”(2015), Cecilia Macón examines the characteristics that made Eva Perón both a saint and a villain, and the difficulties of female political agency in terms of affects. AccordingContinue reading “Writing Research Assignment Pt II”
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Argentina, Eva Peron, Montoneros, Perón, Peronism, Writing Assignment
Macón, Cecilia. “Santa Evita Montonera: Envious, therefore Empowered.” Journal of Romance Studies, vol. 15, no. 1, 2015, pp. 1-28. In the article “Santa Evita Montonera: Envious, therefore empowered”(2015), Cecilia Macón examines the characteristics that made Eva Perón both a saint and a villain, and the difficulties of female political agency in terms of affects. AccordingContinue reading “Writing Research Assignment Pt II”
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Argentina, Eva Peron, Montoneros, Perón, Peronism, Sem categoria, Writing Assignment
I am so glad that this weeks reading continued talking about the dirty wars, looking at it not from the point of view of the victims or the perpetrators, but from the side of those who were affected by these disappearances of loved ones. I feel as if we could have spent the whole termContinue reading “Speaking Truth to Power”
Posted in Blogs | Tagged with Argentina, latin america