Casta Paintings To me, one of the patterns that repeat itself the most in the Casta Paintings is the one where the rest of the characters in the painting are turned towards the light-skinned, Spanish person who’s more often than not a man. It makes sense for the painting to be organized in this wayContinue reading “Week 3”
Posted in Blogs, Week 3 | Tagged with Hypodescent, Mexico, race, Whitening Ideology
Today, almost every street in El Salvador will be the center of a great celebration: Independence. Big parades full of music, dances, colourful costumes, fireworks, and floats are planned every single year to commemorate the establishment of a “free nation”. When I ask myself, is El Salvador a really free nation? Are we owners ofContinue reading “Week 3| Independence: The Beginning of a New Colonial Period?”
Posted in Blogs, Week 3 | Tagged with Colonial Heritage, colonialism, El Salvador, Free Nation, independence, José Matías Delgado, Sep 15th, System of Castas
Catalina de Erauso is really a story of more than just gender, but she is also a story of the New World following the influx of conquistadores. Her ability to perform a variety of jobs such as lieutenant, merchant, and farmer reveal the pure amount of …
Posted in Blogs, Week 3 | Tagged with
Catalina de Erauso is really a story of more than just gender, but she is also a story of the New World following the influx of conquistadores. Her ability to perform a variety of jobs such as lieutenant, merchant, and farmer reveal the pure amount of …
Posted in Blogs, Week 3 | Tagged with
The excerpt of the memoir of la Monja Alferez, titled “The Lieutenant Nun”, was really fascinating because it offered such a hollywood-esque take on an aspect of this era of colonialism. Being a big fan of movies myself, learning about this story of a woman who cut her hair and pretended to be a man, becoming not […]
Posted in Blogs, Week 3 | Tagged with convention, defiant, hollywood, mixed-race, power of art, rebel
The Colonial Experience With the fall of the Granada, Muhammad XII surrendered to the Spanish catholic monarchs, which brought to an end to 800 years of Muslim control. Jews were told to leave the peninsula or force to be converted … Continue reading →
Posted in Blogs, Week 3 | Tagged with
I found “the Lieutenant Nun”, the excerpt from the memoir of la Monja Alferez, very fascinating. Which, of course, wasn’t the case until I read a summary of the memoir under her portrait. She must have had extraordinary battle skills to survive being a traveling soldier, murderer, and conquistador (to name a few), considering she was a woman; … Continue reading Week 3
Posted in Blogs, Week 3 | Tagged with casta paintings, The Lieutenant Nun