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Latin American Studies – Krista Anderson 2014-09-09 21:34:00
Posted by: feedwordpress
IntroductionHi, my name is Krista. I am originally from Northern California. I started my studies in Geography at Arizona State University, then took a year to travel and perform music, and next transferred here to UBC where I study Social Sciences. I ... read full post >>
Introducing me
Posted by: feedwordpress
I’m Matthew Landberg. I’m a student of UBC. I’m here to learn about Ancient Greek Language and Latin american studies. I have previously learned Spanish language and I’m looking forward to starting Tandem later this month. I’m also eager to learn more about this course and wanting to learn more about your knowledge on Latin … Continue reading Introducing me read full post >>
Interpretations of Yesterday.
Posted by: feedwordpress
The First New Chronicle and Good Government by Guaman Poma is nothing but an interpretation of what happened in Peru at the Colonial time. I found it sad and painful… specially because what Poma is describing at that time (abuse of power, cruelty to the indigenous and poor people and domestic violence among others) still happening … Continue reading read full post >>
The Voyage of Christopher Columbus & The Conquest of Peru
Posted by: feedwordpress
The journal of Christopher Columbus outlines his conquest of the New World as though to update the King and Queen of Spain on his progress. He describes the land as more beautiful than anything he has ever seen, and the people he credits as being “well built, finely bodied and handsome in the face” with […] read full post >>
The Voyage of Christopher Columbus & The Conquest of Peru
Posted by: feedwordpress
The journal of Christopher Columbus outlines his conquest of the New World as though to update the King and Queen of Spain on his progress. He describes the land as more beautiful than anything he has ever seen, and the people he credits as being “well built, finely bodied and handsome in the face” with […] read full post >>
Acerca de Moi
Posted by: feedwordpress
Hola!! I am Natalia, I am originally from Colombia, but I have lived in Mexico City and Montreal so many years and now Vancouver (since 2013). I am currently a second year Master (MFA) student in Design for Theatre and Film here in UBC. I am also a colombian folk music and salsa dancer and … Continue reading read full post >>
Christopher Columbus and Guaman Poma
Posted by: feedwordpress
The two texts represent a deep glimpse into the perspective of men on both sides of the conquest of the New World. Christopher Columbus of course is presumed to be the first Old World explorer to venture to the Americas, whereas Guaman Poma is a direct descendent of indigenous conquerors and leaders that have lived […]
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Christopher Columbus’s journal and Guaman Poma de Ayala’s chronicle
Posted by: feedwordpress
Indeed a fascinating read. I have not studied Columbus and the discovery of the New World before, so this was interesting to me. I don't really like the man, to be honest, and there are several contradictions on Christopher's part which also intrigued ... read full post >>
Christopher Columbus
Posted by: feedwordpress
When Christopher Columbus threw himself on the journey to cross the emptiness of the unknown west with the expectation that he would arrive in the Indies, he had no idea that he would end up finding the new world. When landing in San Salvador he was dazzled by the green landscape, by the fauna and […] read full post >>
At the Heart of Colonialism
Posted by: feedwordpress
As it is often taught, the colonial endeavor largely revolved around the thrill of exploring the unknown. What exists beyond the European continental limits? What biodiversity and what kinds of people makes up land masses that have yet to be discovered by Europeans? However, the thrill of exploration in itself seems to be Columbus's weakest skill and motivation. Columbus is overtly inept in the fields that would be required for proper exploration, namely botany, biology, ethnography, and geography. Additionally, he lacks interest in exploring these fields in depth. In describing the different plants, he manages to say, "I have seen many trees very unlike our own, many of them with a host of different branches emerging from the one trunk, one branch differing from another to such a degree that the variation is astonishing" (36). He reiterates several times in his journal entries that he does not have the time, the resources, nor the incentive to explore the islands thoroughly. He reinforces these comments by repeating the main objective, gold. This would strongly suggest that the true motivations of colonization have little to do with expanding the knowledge of humankind, but rather with producing subjects of the state, expanding Christendom, building stronger militaries, and, most importantly, enriching the Motherland.
Columbus describes the indigenous as intelligent because "they quickly repeat everything said to them (30). He continues, " I believe they would readily become Christians; it appeared to me that they have no religion" (30). Columbus's definition of intelligence is that of docile submission; someone who exhibits near to zero critical spirit and repeats what they are told. In order to make the indigenous colonial subjects, Columbus suggests converting them to Christianity. Once Christian, they could be controlled through faith. Those who resist will receive the wrath of the Spanish knights as expressed in Guaman Poma's excerpts.
Columbus was also motivated in searching for resources that could increase the might of the Spanish navy, such as pine wood for building ships. At the heart of the expedition was the search for gold and riches. It is through this strong desire for gold that the myth that is seemingly alluded to in Guaman Poma's excerpts, El Dorado, is generated.
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