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Intro to me!
Posted by: feedwordpress
My name is Lindsay Chapman and I am a proud Canadian who has lived in Vancouver my entire life. I am an Arts undergraduate student, planning to major in International Relations. In the past, I have had the pleasure of travelling to various Latin American countries, including Ecuador, Mexico, and most recently, Colombia. I have […] read full post >>
Kaspars Reinis 2013-01-30 11:57:17
Posted by: feedwordpress
Grēksūdze Tik tukša un pelēka dus pasaule. Bieza skumju un atmiņu sega pārvilkta pār dienām un sejām, pār acīm un sirdīm. Šajā lēnajā gaitā pat Mefistofeļa pūdelis vientuļš smilkst zem drēgnumā dreboša koka. Rudenīga grēksūdze tam dievam, kura vairs nav, … Continue reading →
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