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Week 10: Power to the People
Posted by: feedwordpress
If I am to be 100% honest in these blogs, it did take me a good 5 minutes to realize the readings were the same event but from different perspectives. However, I feel that initially that is not how I saw them I kind of had this different perspective on them. When reading each differentContinue reading "Week 10: Power to the People" read full post >>
Week 10: Power to the People
Posted by: feedwordpress
Populism is not a realistic longterm view on running politics. Populism is cantered around those in society who are in... read full post >>
Week 10: Power to the People
Posted by: feedwordpress
This weeks reading I had more of an emotional response than an intellectual like that of the Columbus’s journal. As an Argentine, I hold Evita and Peron in very high regards due to what they accomplished and what they mean to us Argentines. Since them, we have always been searching, either consciously or unconsciously, for […] read full post >>
Week 10: Power to the people
Posted by: feedwordpress
This week it was interesting to contemplate the role of “the people” in Latin American politics and how they informed political ideology, such as socialism. Socialism in a sense constructs the concept of “the people” against “they” e.i. the elites. What do you think are some pros and cons of socialism? What places do youContinue reading "Week 10: Power to the people" read full post >>
Week 10: Power to the People
Posted by: feedwordpress
This week, our lecture “Power to the People” focuses mainly on the topic of populism and just what that means exactly. Populism, and what it means to be a populist, is such a widely debated term with a very vague and unsatisfying answer; As stated by Professor Beasley-Murray, populism is something that “is not easyContinue reading "Week 10: Power to the People" read full post >>
Week 10: Power to the People
Posted by: feedwordpress
This week, our lecture “Power to the People” focuses mainly on the topic of populism and just what that means exactly. Populism, and what it means to be a populist, is such a widely debated term with a very vague and unsatisfying answer; As stated by Professor Beasley-Murray, populism is something that “is not easyContinue reading "Week 10: Power to the People" read full post >>
Week 3
Posted by: feedwordpress
Week 3 The colonial experience I found this week’s reading inspiring as well as uncontrollable. As I was reading the story of Catalina de Erauso, I realized how uncontrollable her situation was. She fled her home at the age of fifteen, cut her hair and disguised herself as a male for the rest of her […] read full post >>
Week 10: Power to the People
Posted by: feedwordpress
This week, I was struck by the speech made by Evita Perón, and especially by the sheer contrast of each account of her renunciamiento. One thing that I noted was just how much Evita cherished the Argentine people. I don’t believe that politicians of the 21st Century have shown such compassion as she did in her renunciamiento,Continue reading "Week 10: Power to the People"
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Week10: Power to the People
Posted by: feedwordpress
This week’s reading and lecture showed how appliances, such as the microphone and the radio, played a significant role in forming the politics in Latin America. Politicians were able to reach larger audiences more efficiently and civilians were able to view political leaders as closer figures. Out of the four texts Dawson presents of Eva […] read full post >>
Week 10: Power to the People
Posted by: feedwordpress
This week I will be looking at the influence of Evita and the renunciamento. I found it interesting how Evita would often conflate herself with the people, such as when she said: “my General, we the people, your vanguard of descamisados…”. Here she associates herself with the people by saying “we”, but at other times […] read full post >>